

What is the most important organ in your body?
A. The heart
B. The lungs
C. The brain
D. The liver

What is the extension of your brain to your lower back?
A. spine
B. spinal cord
C. veins & arteries
D. muscles

What houses and protects the spinal cord while, at the same time, being very mobile?
A. ribs
B. spine
C. shoulder blades
D. your coat

Which of the following would cause a nerve interference in your spinal cord?
A. A fractured spine
B. A subluxation
C. A tumor in the bone
D. A bullet in the spine
E. All the above

Which of the following is the most common cause of nerve interference in your spinal cord?
A. A fractured spine
B. A subluxation
C. A bone tumor
D. A bullet in the spine

Is a nerve interference due to a subluxation good for your health?
A. Yes
B. No

What problems do subluxations cause?
A. Neck pain
B. Low back pain
C. Arm/leg pain, numbness or tingling
D. Headaches
E. Many other health problems
F. All the above

Which doctors treat subluxations?
A. Osteopaths
B. M.D.s
C. Chiropractors
D. Veterinarians

What is the largest natural healing profession in the world?
A. Homeopathy
B. Naturopathy
D. Chiropractic
E. Medicine
F. Osteopathy

Can your friends or loved ones tell if they’re subluxated?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes, but not usually


Too many people believe that chiropractic is only for neck or back pain. Think for a minute. The nerves from your brain and spinal cord go to every part of your body. If there is a problem in the spine that causes a nerve interference it could affect just about anything. A patient told me a few months ago that she had to get up 3 or 4 times during the night to use the bathroom for as long as she can remember. A few adjustments to remove a nerve interference enabled her to sleep most of the night for the first time in years! Another patient complained of body aches and pains, depression and anxiety. One nutritional supplement made her feel better than she’s felt in 15 years! The average person sees 180,000 commercials telling them to take some kind of over-the-counter or prescription drug by the time they’re 25 years old! The drug industry spends BILLIONS of dollars a year advertising their products that kill over 100,000 Americans each year. If chiropractic had just a quarter of that money we wouldn’t have to educate our patients every day on what true health is. This is the only way I can make my community healthy because I don’t have the money to advertise like drug companies do. Subluxations are bad for your health. And health will NEVER be found by taking ANY drug! The ONLY thing a drug does is cover up a symptom! A drug never corrects the source of a problem. Get a checkup today! Call 473-7805 I will listen to your problem(s) and help your problem(s).

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